1. In order to maintain low membership fees, families with children that register for classes are required to provide a fundraising deposit at the start of each term before students attend their first class. Deposit amounts per family are $150 for Fall Term (Sep-Dec) and $200 for Spring Term (Jan-Jun), and are returned at the end of the term to families that meet their fundraising targets. Deposits must be submitted before students attend their first class of the term. Please Note: The Fall deposit will not be returned to families that withdraw from Amber Academy after October 15th and have not participated in the fall fundraising program. The Spring deposit will not be returned to families that withdraw from Amber Academy after March 15th and have not participated in the spring fundraising program.

2. Instructors will be taking attendance at each class and including absences on the students’ progress reports at the end of each term. If your child will be absent from a class please let us know. Students who miss two classes without notifying us will be removed from the class roster and, in the event that there is a wait list for the class, your child may lose their spot in the class.

3. Amber Academy includes healthy after-school snacks as part of the program. In careful consideration of students with food allergies, snacks will be provided to students on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the upper hall from 3:00-3:30pm before classes begin. All food will need to be consumed prior to class start time. Please do not send your child with any other outside food or beverages. Students that arrive at class with outside food will have to so save it for the end of class.

4. Students aged 10 and under will remain in the company of their instructor until a parent/guardian or other individual listed as “authorized for pickup” picks them up from class. If you would like your child to leave with an older sibling, or if you live nearby and are comfortable with them making their own way home, etc. please notify us in writing for such arrangements.

5. Please respect the class venues and all equipment. Students found to be intentionally causing damage to the classroom, building, property, or any class tools or equipment will be held responsible. Parents/guardians of any student requiring additional supervision during class may be contacted by the Executive Director to discuss making appropriate arrangements.

6. All students and their guardians/family members are expected to uphold Amber Academy Youth Fine Arts Society’s Code of Conduct at all times.

7. Parents/students are responsible for ensuring we have their current email and contact information on file for communication and notices. Instructors may send out information parents need to be aware of for an upcoming class so please be sure to check your emails before your child attends class each week. Important notices may also be sent home with students after class.

8. Students are not to attend class if they are sick. Parents/guardians are expected to assess their child daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease. Any student that attends class showing symptoms of illness will be supervised away from the other students by a staff member and the student’s parent or guardian will be contacted to pick-up the child immediately.